Sunset at Tanah Lot Temple

the entrance gate

entrance area

to the beach and the temple
Haloo Sunset lover~ ^^ satu lagi tempat di Bali yang punya spot Sunset yang indah. Banyak orang sudah familiar dengan Tanah Lot, mungkin kamu pernah ke sini waktu field trip dari sekolah atau waktu liburan ke Bali. Yup, Tanah Lot ini memang salah satu destinasi wisata yang wajib dikunjungi kalau lagi ke Bali. Terletak di daerah Tabanan, Pura di Tanah Lot ini termasuk unik karena berada di atas tebing yang dikelilingi air laut dan kita bisa berjalan menuju area Pura jika air laut sedang surut.

One of Bali’s most recognized tourist destinations is Tanah Lot temple. Standing firmly on a rocky foundation just off the beachfront on the Tabanan coastline, the temple is accessible on foot at low tide and is a destination that still manages to project some of the island’s most appealing views, especially at sunset.

Pura Tanah Lot banyak dikunjungi oleh masyarakat Bali yang ingin berdoa untuk hasil panen yang melimpah atau untuk kesuburan agrikultur.

Tanah Lot belongs to a group of temples that are significant to the Balinese Hindu religion. It is where followers of the faith come to pray for the success of their crops and generally anything else that is associated with agriculture. Most Balinese have idiosyncratic superstitions and farmers in rural areas are constantly seeking blessings that they believe will safeguard their fragile livelihoods. Alternatively, urban dwelling Hindu’s often set out to visit Tanah Lot in family groups to meditate and seek spiritual guidance.

a lot of people waiting for sunset

And here goes the magic hour~ when The Sun start to set in the west ^^

at the other side
Nama Tanah Lot berasal dari bahasa Bali yang secara literatur artinya Tanah Laut. Pura Tanah Lot merupakan satu dari tujuh Pura yang terletak di seluruh penjuru Bali yang berfungsi untuk melindungi Bali dari energi jahat.

Tanah Lot means "Land in the Sea" in the Balinese language. The Tanah Lot temple was built and has been a part of Balinese mythology for centuries. The temple is one of seven sea temples around the Balinese coast. Each of the sea temples was established within eyesight of the next to form a chain along the south-western coast. In addition to Balinese mythology, the temple was significantly influenced by Hinduism.

Sebelum memasuki Pura, di salah satu gua dekat pantai berbatu, terdapat seekor ular yang dipercaya merupakan jelmaan dari ular raksasa yang tugasnya melindungi Pura dari energi jahat. Menurut mitosnya, ular ini merupakan jelmaan dari selendang Nirartha ketika beliau menciptakan pulau ini.

Pengunjung yang ingin melihat ular ini secara langsung tidak dipungut biaya apapun tapi diwajibkan memberi sedikit donasi.

At the base of the rocky island, poisonous sea snakes are believed to guard the temple from evil spirits and intruders. The temple is purportedly protected by a giant snake, which was created from Nirartha's selendang (a type of sash) when he established the island.

Saatnya memanfaatkan Matahari terbenam untuk background bernarsis-narsis ria. ^^

"the magic hour"
Selain mengunjungi Pura dan melihat ular 'jadi-jadian' pengunjung juga dapat menyaksikan Tari Kecak di area Tanah Lot dengan membayar tiket pertunjukan sebesar Rp 60.000,-

Tari Kecak diadakan setiap hari pada saat Matahari terbenam (18.30 - 19.30)

In addition to visiting the temple and saw the snake, visitors can also see the Kecak Dance in Tanah Lot area. The ticket price is IDR 60,000 

Kecak Dance is held every day at sunset (18:30 to 19:30)

1 komentar:

  1. Kerenn... Biasanya kalau pulang sering nungguin sunset ditepian dermaga :-D
